I'm starting this blog as a part of my new year's resolution to ENJOY EACH MOMENT OF MY LIFE. I have so many blessings in my life: First and foremost, Jesus is my greatest blessing and the giver of all good gifts. I also have an amazing husband, 3 adorable and entertaining
children, great friends and family, a cozy home, and so many other moments and experiences to treasure every day. So, here I hope to chronicle many of the moments that make up my life to keep me accountable in my journey of being present, intentional, and thankful each day of my life and also a way to look back on these days that are passing so quickly.
So, here's to a new year, a new blog, and a new resolution to pay attention to all the blessings in my life (both big and small) and to choose to enjoy each one of them!
Looks great Corey! I added it to my blog reader.